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 2011 has been a year of turmoil and confusion, but skepticism reigns supreme.

Europe still has problems, but the US engine is gaining steam.

Job growth is on the upswing, but unemployment is still high. 

We’re headed back in the right direction; Consumers know how to buy.


 Global trade hit a standstill,

The earthquake & Tsunami were a blow, 

Inflation has come down big-time, 

Watch for Asia to grow.


The US is no longer AAA,

According to Standard & Poor‘s 

But global money flew into Dollars, Bonds and the Dow.

The Market knows there’s no place safer than American shores


Onward and upward we still say, time to kick it to a higher gear.

Failing to invest in the long-term will leave our best days in the rear.

Who innovates better than the US? That answer is clear;

We control our own destiny, and we still have no peer.


Now, Washington!   Now, Wall Street!   Now, Europe and planet earth! 

The right decisions are often difficult, but sucking it up will prove its worth!

We need more transparency, confidence is low.

These problems won’t fix themselves, get on with the show.


The American spirit is peerless, time-tested and true.

With perseverance and sound leadership, there’s nothing we can’t do.

With crisis brings opportunity, history has shown,

Success through ingenuity, a foundation set in stone.

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!


By: Mike Frazier 

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