Thank God It’s Friday! July 19, 2013

Investing is a journey.  Often the destination is retirement.  There are many routes to get there.  Some investors map their journey out with precision, others completely wing it.  Unfortunately, for some Americans, retirement has become a mirage.  Something that looked so close a few years ago seems to keep drifting way out on the horizon.   But there are many Americans who are enjoying their golden years, and life is turning out just as they had hoped and planned for.  People are living in retirement for decades today, and need their savings to provide for them in their golden years.   They need their savings to outlive them. 

We take a dynamic approach to investing.  Objectives might be the same, but individual needs and comfort levels can be quite different.  We view the Market as the Financial Super Highway, which connects the globe.  It’s always open.  The journey is a long one. You’ve got precious cargo on board.  The goal is to make it to your destination safely, and enjoy the ride.

On the Financial Super Highway, there are vehicles operating at high speed as well as slow and steady ones.  You’ve got large busses for the masses, as well hand-crafted luxury vehicles.  Of course everyone wants to get there quickly, but that also comes with risks.  Speedsters don’t always make the full journey as their speeding tickets can be quite costly financially.  Conditions play a major role.  There are times where conditions are near perfect, which allows an investor to step on it a bit.  But storm clouds and weather can make things slippery.  Visibility can be compromised.  It’s important to recognize when the winds change. There are potholes and rocky roads.   It’s ok to use the off and onramps periodically when conditions warrant and comfort levels dictate.  There are many wrecks along this highway.

Pacing oneself is often key to success.  The Hare learned what the Tortoise knew.  Forward progress is measurable on the Financial Super Highway; the web is full of financial GPS tools.  We have many barometers at our disposal, and we use them all.  Investment vehicles get tune-ups and regular maintenance.  We are constantly working under the hood.  But our eyes are wide open behind the wheel.

We continue to make great progress in our journey together.  We’ve seen a lot, we’ve learned a lot and we keep moving forward.  You may recall, we began the year looking straight down a Fiscal Cliff.  We swerved around it, and kept going, still being mindful that there are plenty of other obstacles that could lie ahead.  The Fed has provided plenty of fuel for 2013.  We’re watching the tank closely.

On the road with my family, it’s common to get the frequent inquiries from my 3 little girls as to when we’re going to arrive at the destination.  We’re in great shape on this Financial Super Highway.  The long journey continues.  If conditions change, you know we will too.

Have a nice weekend.

By: Mike Frazier

The Bedell Frazier Traveling Hat

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