TGIF Market Update with Mike Harris – Video Presentation

As summer winds down, it has been anything but slow in the markets. Earnings reports are largely complete for this quarter and thus far, earnings have largely met or exceeded expectations. Revenue growth is getting a bump from inflation as companies have passed on some of this inflation as price increases without killing demand. We got a big bounce in the Market this quarter and that has pushed valuations higher. Earnings are firm. Jobs and employment are holding up well as evidenced by a strong jobs report today. Inflation is still top of mind. We will cover all of these and how they come together in the markets in this video research update. Enjoy and thanks for watching!

Here is an index of main points with their start times:

00:00 – Introduction (0 mins 37 secs)
00:37 – Earnings Season (2 mins 46 secs)
03:23 – Earnings Estimates (0 mins 40 secs)
04:03 – Valuations (1 mins 46 secs)
05:49 – The Economy (4 mins 51 secs)
10:40 – Employment (0 mins 50 secs)
11:30 – Credit Markets (0 mins 56 secs)
12:24 – Yield Curve (1 mins 25 secs)
13:49 – Battling Inflation (3 mins 46 secs)
17:35 – Conclusion (4 mins 18 secs)

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