TGIF! May 6, 2016

As we celebrate Mothers Day this weekend I wanted to give a special shout out to the moms here at Bedell Frazier: Jude, Nancy, Debbie and Maria.  You all have taught me so much about juggling a career and kids!

As the youngest mother in the office I watch these successful moms and take notes.  We swap investment tips as well as crock-pot meal ideas, Costco shopping tips and countless stories about the perils and joys of raising children.

Jude Bedell has mentored dozens of aspiring women and men who have worked with the firm over the past 41 years.  She nurtured and encouraged along the way and built a business and a family all at the same time.  Her son John was born in 1975, the same year she founded this firm.  I am amazed at all she has accomplished!

Nancy Tredwell began working at the firm over 25 years ago.  By day she meticulously crunches numbers for your financial plans. And in her “off hours” she ran countless carpools while raising 2 beautiful daughters.  Nancy is so thorough and detailed in everything she does.  She makes working hard look easy and never fails to impress me with her depth of knowledge.

Debbie Mitchell is a natural multi-tasker.  She is both a financial planner, portfolio manager and a mom to two middle schoolers.  She rises before dawn to read research reports before dropping her kids at school and somehow finds time to attend school field trips when her kids class needs a chaperone!

Maria Ageev took time off from her career to raise a family.  We happily welcomed her back to the financial services world this year and are lucky to have her motherly watchful eyes tracking account setups and transfers.  She is a gem and I lovingly call her our “room mother” because she watches over all of us in her own caring way.

And to the men of Bedell Frazier and future mothers of Bedell Frazier, you laugh along with us and empathize with us when we share tales of babies crying or kids run amuck.  You revel with us when our children accomplish milestones.  You shoo us out the door when a sick child calls us out of a meeting.  You share in our joy of motherhood and for that I am so grateful.

From our Bedell Frazier family to yours Happy Mother’s Day!

By Meredith Rosen

The Bedell Frazier Traveling Hat

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